For those who don't like choosing or trust us to make perfect flower arrangements every time, Luna Flowers is here for you!
Why choose this option? It's cheaper and quicker because we use flowers we already have. Pick the size of your arrangement from these prices: $85-$165
Hand-Tied bouquet $85:
A special bouquet made by our florists using fresh flowers like roses, carnations, spray roses, stock flowers, fillers, and greenery.
Vase Arrangement $95:
A unique arrangement made by our florists using fresh flowers like roses, spray roses, stock flowers, lisianthuses, carnations, fillers, and greenery.
Hand-Tied Bouquet $135:
A big, special bouquet made by our florists using fresh flowers like ranunculus, garden roses, and lisianthuses.
Vase Arrangement $125:
An excellent arrangement made by our florists using fresh flowers like roses, spray roses, stock flowers, lisianthuses, carnations, fillers, greenery, and some special ones like ranunculus, garden roses.
Large Vase Arrangement $165:
A large, special arrangement made by our florists using fresh flowers like ranunculus, garden roses, and lisianthuses.
Images shown are only visual illustrations of the overall aesthetic of our floral arrangements. Actual products may vary, in some cases, due to the availability of flowers and other materials.
We strive to meet our customers' delivery requirements to the best of our ability. However, ensuring delivery at a precise time, especially during peak holiday periods, may not always be feasible. If you have a specific delivery time in mind, kindly input it into the Special Delivery Instructions field during the checkout process.
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